What is a managed forex account?
A managed account is an investment account that is owned by an individual investor and looked after by a hired professional money manager or by a group of managers. The managers get authorization from the investor to trade his or her investment in the foreign exchange market in order to gain profits. The managers do not have access to the invested capital, they cannot withdraw money from it, they only get paid a performance fee.
Do you accept investors from USA?
Yes, we accept investors from any country including USA and Canada.
How much is the performance fee?
We charge a 50% performance fee on new profits, only if the total value of your investment becomes greater than the former highest value.
How can I pay the performance fee?
A monthly performance fee will be applied to new profits on your account and be deducted every first workday after the profitable month automatically by the broker as contracted. You as an investor don’t have to do anything about it.
What does POA (Power of Attorney) mean and what is it good for?
A legal document giving authorization for our money manager to trade on your account. The trader does not have any other powers than trading, the owner of the account has exclusive access to his or her investment which means that nobody else can withdraw money from the account other than the investor.
Is my investment safe?
The safety of your capital is as important for us as it is for you. Your money will be held in renowned banks in Australia and the UK, in an account in your own name providing exclusive access to you! Guaranteed by the Terms and Conditions of the contract between the investor and the brokerage. The trader has no direct access to the investments. Authorization is only given for trading on your account and receiving the predetermined percentage of gained profits. Thus you are assured the highest level of security possible.
Does anyone else have access to my funds?
No, you are the only one with access to withdraw your funds.
What currency is the account traded in?
All the managed accounts are traded in USD.
Can I add more funds to my account?
Yes, you can do this at any time.